Her walls are covered with splashes of colour and each flash of brilliance is an inspiration that Iris Yee has captured on paper and canvas.

Iris’s 4-room flat in Choa Chu Kang is also her art studio where she paints to her heart’s content. Her subject matter covers a wide range as she paints as inspiration strikes.

“My inspiration comes from childhood memories, or things that capture my interest. Art is interesting because you get to produce something that tells a message. The artist takes a memory or a scene and adds his or her own perspective to tell a story – that is what makes art special,” she explains.

Iris surrounded by her paintings

My Home – A painting of the HDB skyline in Iris’s estate

Gossip Town

“The message behind ‘Gossip Town’ is to encourage people to be more compassionate, as gossip is harmful and bad for a community – especially among neighbours” she adds with a twinkle in her eye.

If you feel inspired by her passion and her decorating style, why not dress your walls with meaningful paintings. If you have the talent and the time, go pick up your paint brush again! Or if your talent is not in the art department, there are many works of local artists on sale that you can buy without busting your budget.

Iris also has some words of advice for home owners looking to decorate their homes with art: “Choose a piece that makes you happy when you look at it. It doesn’t matter who drew it or what it is worth. A perfect piece is one that reveals its layers and nuances the more you look at it, and one that makes you feel at peace”.

Iris with one of her art piece about travelling in Singapore

Just as Iris fills her home with paintings of inspiration, do you also draw your inspiration from the sights and sounds that surround you daily? Share with us on mynicehome@mailbox.hdb.gov.sg! We would love to hear from you!

  • Samantha Koh

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