There are many hidden collections of sculptures in the heartlands that you might not know about. Some them were intentionally created to complement the overall design of the precinct. There are some ‘accidental ones’, but still pretty ‘#aesthetic’ too. Read on to find out more about the art in our public spaces!

Punggol Breeze

The architects who designed Punggol Breeze created this artwork and intentionally placed them in community spaces. It has become a meeting point of sorts, because it is so distinct that residents just say “meet me by the metal sculpture” and people will know where to go!

Sengkang Sculpture Park

Sengkang has a 24,000-square metre park filled with avant-garde looking sculptures. There is a really cool interactive art piece called the ‘Rotating Fish Motif Panel’ that is moveable and can be manipulated to any composition by the user.

Tampines Central Park

A mother holding a baby – this sculpture which is located at Tampines Central Park, was created by Ng Eng Teng, a renowned Singapore artist and Cultural Medallion recipient. He named it ‘Mother and Child’, as an expression of the tender love that he experienced from his mother.

Forfar Heights

Located in Queenstown, it makes sense that Forfar Heights has a Victorian theme going on, given its British colonial past. This sculpture is completely at home in the formal garden patterned along classical lines.

If you know of other interesting sculptures in the heartlands, let us know on Instagram (@singaporeHDB)!

  • Atikah Abdul Razak

    The designated content creator in the team whose latest obsessions include interior design and cooking.

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